Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri


React.js Online Training

Your Instructor for this course is Kameswara Sarma Uppuluri.

He is an accomplished Senior Technical Corporate Trainer here in India and a consultant. He has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2004 and a Microsoft Certified Professional since 1998. He has delivered various trainings at client places, on Microsoft Technologies for top MNC's in India .

He is passionate about teaching developers how to make the most out of their chosen technologies and doing web development in the best way possible.

He has spent years of developing course materials and teaching professional developers online throughout the world.

He has worked in technology for 16 years, specializing in web Development,Content Management Systems,databases and business intelligence.

He is an independent consultant that enjoys development and teaching.

He is a consultant based in Hyderabad, India. He has over 16 years of experience in the IT field, and over a decade of experience as a trainer.

He is an expert in SharePoint Development/Configuration/,Administration and .NET development and Database business intelligence technologies.

Live Online Training Videos

Course Fee :

Course Duration :
35 Days

Session Duration :
90 Minutes (Mon – Sat)



What is React?
  • The React.js framework is an open-source JavaScript framework and library developed by Facebook. It’s used for building interactive user interfaces and web applications quickly and efficiently with significantly less code than you would with vanilla JavaScript.
Audience Profile:

This course is for those people who wants to build SPA web applications using React Library.


This course is designed for individuals with an intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and any one web development technology.

Our Trainer's Profile :
  • Our Trainers speak from Experience
  • Our Trainers Are Subject Matter Experts
  • Our Trainers Are Expert instructors
  • Our Trainers are Microsoft Certified
  • Our Trainers have more than 13+ years of experience on Microsoft Technologies
Career Path :

After completing this course you will be able to take up the roles of
  • React Developer

Lesson 1 - Preparing the Development Enviroment

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Installing Node.js
  2. Installing the create-react-app Package
  3. Installing Git
  4. Installing an Editor
  5. Installing a Browser
  6. Creating the Project
  7. Understanding the Project Structure
  8. Adding the Bootstrap CSS Framework
  9. Starting the Development Tools
  10. Replacing the Placeholder Content
  11. Displaying Dynamic Content
  12. Understanding State Data Changes
  13. Adding the To-Do Application Features
  14. Displaying the To-Do Items
  15. Using the Child Components
  16. Adding the Finishing Touches
  17. Managing the Visibility of Completed Tasks
  18. Persistently Storing Data

Lesson 2 - Understanding React

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding Round-Trip Applications
  2. Understanding Single-Page Applications
  3. Understanding Application Complexity
  4. How to Set Up My Development Environment?

Lesson 3 - HTML, JSX, and CSS Primer

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Preparing the HTML File and the Component
  2. Running the Example Application
  3. Understanding HTML and DOM Elements
  4. Understanding Element Content
  5. Understanding Attributes
  6. Creating HTML Elements Dynamically
  7. Creating Elements Dynamically Using a React Component
  8. Using Expressions in React Elements
  9. Mixing Expressions and Static Content
  10. Performing Computation in Expressions
  11. Accessing Component Properties and Methods
  12. Using Expressions to Set Prop Values
  13. Using Expressions to Handle Events
  14. Understanding Bootstrap
  15. Applying Basic Bootstrap Classes
  16. Using Bootstrap to Create Grids
  17. Using Bootstrap to Style Tables
  18. Using Bootstrap to Style Forms

Lesson 4 - JavaScript Primer

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Using Statements
  2. Defining and Using Functions
  3. Defining Functions with Parameters
  4. Defining Functions That Return Results
  5. Using Functions as Arguments to Other Functions
  6. Using Variables and Types
  7. Using the Primitive Types
  8. Using JavaScript Operators
  9. Using Conditional Statements
  10. The Equality Operator vs. the Identity Operator
  11. Explicitly Converting Types
  12. Working with Arrays
  13. Using an Array Literal
  14. Reading and Modifying the Contents of an Array
  15. Enumerating the Contents of an Array
  16. Using the Spread Operator
  17. Using the Built-in Array Methods
  18. Working with Objects
  19. Using Object Literals
  20. Using Functions as Methods
  21. Using Classes
  22. Copying Properties from One Object to Another
  23. Capturing Parameter Names from Objects
  24. Understanding JavaScript Modules
  25. Creating and Using a JavaScript Module
  26. Exporting Named Features from a Module
  27. Defining Multiple Named Features in a Module
  28. Understanding JavaScript Promises
  29. Understanding the Asynchronous Operation Problem
  30. Using a JavaScript Promise
  31. Simplifying the Asynchronous Code

Lesson 5 - SportsStore: A Real Application

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Preparing the Project
  2. Installing Additional NPM Packages
  3. Adding the CSS Stylesheets to the Project
  4. Preparing the Web Service
  5. Running the Example Application
  6. Creating the Data Store
  7. Creating the Data Store Actions and Action Creators
  8. Creating the Shopping Features
  9. Creating the Product and Category Components
  10. Connecting to the Data Store and the URL Router
  11. Adding the Shop to the Application
  12. Improving the Category Selection Buttons
  13. Adding the Shopping Cart
  14. Extending the Data Store
  15. Creating the Cart Summary Component
  16. Adding the Cart Detail Component
  17. Adding the Cart URL to the Routing Configuration

Lesson 6 - SportsStore: REST and Checkout

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Consuming the RESTful Web Service
  2. Creating a Configuration File
  3. Creating a Data Source
  4. Extending the Data Store
  5. Updating the Action Creator
  6. Paginating Data
  7. Understanding the Web Service Pagination Support
  8. Changing the HTTP Request and Action
  9. Creating the Data Loading Component
  10. Updating the Store Connector Component
  11. Updating the All Category Button
  12. Creating the Pagination Controls
  13. Adding the Checkout Process
  14. Extending the REST Data Source and the Data Store
  15. Creating the Checkout Form
  16. Simplifying the Shop Connector Component

Lesson 7 - SportsStore: Administration

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Running the Example Application
  2. Creating a GraphQL Service
  3. Defining the GraphQL Schema
  4. Defining the GraphQL Resolvers
  5. Updating the Server
  6. Creating the Order Administration Features
  7. Defining the Order Table Component
  8. Defining the Connector Component
  9. Configuring the GraphQL Client
  10. Configuring the Mutation
  11. Creating the Product Administration Features
  12. Connecting the Product Table Component
  13. Creating the Editor Components
  14. Updating the Routing Configuration

Lesson 8 - SportsStore: Authentication and Deployment

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Adding Authentication for GraphQL Requests
  2. Understanding the Authentication System
  3. Creating the Authentication Context
  4. Creating the Authentication Form
  5. Guarding the Authentication Features
  6. Adding a Navigation Link for the Administration Features
  7. Preparing the Application for Deployment
  8. Enabling Lazy Loading for the Administration Features
  9. Creating the Data File
  10. Configuring the Request URLs
  11. Building the Application
  12. Creating the Application Server
  13. Testing the Production Build and Server
  14. Containerizing the SportsStore Application
  15. Installing Docker
  16. Preparing the Application
  17. Creating the Docker Container
  18. Running the Application

Lesson 9 - Understanding React Projects

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding the React Project Structure
  2. Understanding the Source Code Folder
  3. Understanding the Packages Folder
  4. Using the React Development Tools
  5. Understanding the Compilation and Transformation Process
  6. Understanding the Development HTTP Server
  7. Understanding Static Content
  8. Understanding the Error Display
  9. Understanding the Linter
  10. Configuring the Development Tools
  11. Debugging React Applications
  12. Exploring the Application State
  13. Using the Browser Debugger

Lesson 10 - Components and Props

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding Components
  2. Rendering HTML Content
  3. Rendering Other Components
  4. Understanding Props
  5. Defining Props in the Parent Component
  6. Receiving Props in the Child Component
  7. Combining JavaScript and Props to Render Content
  8. Selectively Rendering Content
  9. Rendering Arrays
  10. Rendering Multiple Elements
  11. Rendering No Content
  12. Attempting to Change Props
  13. Using Function Props
  14. Invoking Prop Functions with Arguments
  15. Passing on Props to Child Components
  16. Passing On All Props to Child Components
  17. Providing Default Prop Values
  18. Type Checking Prop Values

Lesson 11 - Stateful Components

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding the Different Component Types
  2. Understanding Stateless Components
  3. Understanding Stateful Components
  4. Creating a Stateful Component
  5. Understanding the Component Class
  6. Understanding the Import Statement
  7. Understanding the render Method
  8. Understanding Stateful Component Props
  9. Adding State Data
  10. Reading State Data
  11. Modifying State Data
  12. Avoiding the State Data Modification Pitfalls
  13. Defining Stateful Components Using Hooks
  14. Lifting Up State Data
  15. Lifting Up State Data Further
  16. Defining Prop Types and Default Values

Lesson 12 - Working with Events

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding Events
  2. Invoking a Method to Handle an Event
  3. Receiving an Event Object
  4. Invoking Event Handlers with a Custom Argument
  5. Preventing Default Behavior
  6. Managing Event Propagation
  7. Understanding the Target and Bubble Phases
  8. Understanding the Capture Phase
  9. Determining the Event Phase
  10. Stopping Event Propagation

Lesson 13 - Reconciliation and Lifecycles

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating the Example Components
  2. Understanding How Content Is Rendered
  3. Understanding the Update Process
  4. Understanding the Reconciliation Process
  5. Understanding List Reconciliation
  6. Explicitly Triggering Reconciliation
  7. Understanding the Component Lifecycle
  8. Understanding the Mounting Phase
  9. Understanding the Update Phase
  10. Understanding the Unmounting Phase
  11. Using the Effect Hook
  12. Using the Advanced Lifecycle Methods
  13. Preventing Unnecessary Component Updates
  14. Setting State Data from Prop Values

Lesson 14 - Composing Applications

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating the Example Components
  2. Understanding the Basic Component Relationship
  3. Using the Children Prop
  4. Manipulating Prop Children
  5. Creating a Specialized Component
  6. Creating Higher-Order Components
  7. Creating Stateful Higher-Order Components
  8. Combining Higher-Order Components
  9. Using Render Props
  10. Using a Render Prop with an Argument
  11. Using Contexts for Global Data
  12. Defining the Context
  13. Creating the Context Consumer
  14. Creating the Context Provider
  15. Changing Context Data Values in a Consumer
  16. Using the Simplified Context Consumer APIs
  17. Defining Error Boundaries
  18. Creating the Error Boundary Component

Lesson 15 - Forms and Validation

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Defining the Example Components
  2. Starting the Development Tools
  3. Using Form Elements
  4. Using Select Elements
  5. Using Radio Buttons
  6. Using Checkboxes
  7. Using Checkboxes to Populate an Array
  8. Using Text Areas
  9. Validating Form Data
  10. Defining the Validation Rules
  11. Creating the Container Component
  12. Displaying Validation Messages
  13. Applying the Form Validation
  14. Validating Other Element and Data Types
  15. Performing Whole-Form Validation

Lesson 16 - Using Refs and Portals

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating Refs
  2. Using Refs to Create Uncontrolled Form Components
  3. Creating Refs Using a Callback Function
  4. Validating Uncontrolled Form Components
  5. Understanding Refs and the Lifecycle
  6. Using Refs with Other Libraries or Frameworks
  7. Accessing a Child Component’s Content
  8. Using Ref Forwarding
  9. Using Portals

Lesson 17 - Unit Testing

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating Components
  2. Running the Example Application
  3. Running the Placeholder Unit Test
  4. Testing a Component Using Shallow Rendering
  5. Testing a Component with Full Rendering
  6. Testing with Props, State, Methods, and Events
  7. Testing the Effect of Methods
  8. Testing the Effects of an Event
  9. Testing the Interaction Between Components

Lesson 18 - Creating Complete Applications

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating the Project
  2. Starting the Development Tools
  3. Creating the Example Application
  4. Creating the Product Features
  5. Creating the Supplier Functionality
  6. Completing the Application
  7. Understanding the Limitations of the Example Application

Lesson 19 - Using a Redux Data Store

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating a Data Store
  2. Defining the Data Types
  3. Defining the Initial Data
  4. Defining the Model Data Action Types
  5. Defining the Model Action Creators
  6. Defining the Reducer
  7. Creating the Data Store
  8. Using the Data Store in the React Application
  9. Applying the Data Store to the Top-Level Component
  10. Connecting the Product Data
  11. Connecting the Supplier Data
  12. Expanding the Data Store
  13. Adding State Data to the Store
  14. Defining the Action Types and Creators for State Data
  15. Defining the State Data Reducer
  16. Incorporating the State Data Features into the Store
  17. Connecting the React Components to the Stored State Data
  18. Dispatching Multiple Actions
  19. Understanding the Need for References

Lesson 20 - Using the Data Store APIs

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Using the Redux Data Store API
  2. Obtaining the Data Store State
  3. Observing Data Store Changes
  4. Dispatching Actions
  5. Creating a Connector Component
  6. Enhancing Reducers
  7. Using Data Store Middleware
  8. Enhancing the Data Store
  9. Applying the Enhancer
  10. Using the React-Redux API
  11. Advanced Connect Features

Lesson 21 - Using URL Routing

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Getting Started with URL Routing
  2. Getting Started with the Link Component
  3. Getting Started with the Route Component
  4. Responding to Navigation
  5. Selecting Components and Content
  6. Matching URLs
  7. Making a Single Route Match
  8. Using Redirection as the Fallback Route
  9. Rendering Navigation Links
  10. Indicating the Active Route
  11. Selecting and Configuring the Router
  12. Using the HashRouter Component

Lesson 22 - Advanced URL Routing

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Creating Routing-Aware Components
  2. Understanding the Match Prop
  3. Understanding the Location Prop
  4. Using URL Parameters
  5. Accessing Routing Data in Other Components
  6. Accessing Routing Data Directly in a Component
  7. Accessing Routing Data Using a Higher-Order Component
  8. Navigating Programmatically
  9. Navigating Programmatically Using Components
  10. Prompting the User Before Navigation
  11. Generating Routes Programmatically
  12. Using Routing with Connected Data Store Components
  13. Replacing the Display Components
  14. Replacing the Display Components
  15. Updating the Connected Table Component
  16. Completing the Routing Configuration

Lesson 23 - Consuming a RESTful Web Service

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Adding Packages to the Project
  2. Preparing the Web Service
  3. Adding a Component and a Route
  4. Running the Web Service and the Example Application
  5. Understanding RESTful Web Services
  6. Consuming a Web Service
  7. Creating the Data Source Component
  8. Getting Data in the Component
  9. Saving, Updating, and Deleting Data
  10. Dealing with Errors
  11. Consuming a Web Service with a Data Store
  12. Creating the New Middleware
  13. Adding the Middleware to the Data Store
  14. Completing the Application Changes

Lesson 24 - Understanding GraphQL

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Understanding GraphQL
  2. Creating the GraphQL Server
  3. Creating the Schema
  4. reating the Resolvers
  5. Creating the Server
  6. Making GraphQL Queries
  7. Querying for Related Data
  8. Creating Queries with Arguments
  9. Making GraphQL Mutations
  10. Other GraphQL Features
  11. Using Request Variables
  12. Making Multiple Requests
  13. Using Query Fragments for Field Selection

Lesson 25 - Consuming GraphQL

In this lesson, we will cover the following topics.

  1. Adding Packages to the Project
  2. Changing the Data for the GraphQL Server
  3. Updating the Schema and Resolvers
  4. Integrating the GraphQL Server with the Development Tools
  5. Consuming a GraphQL Service
  6. Defining the Queries and Mutations
  7. Defining the Data Source
  8. Configuring the Isolated Components
  9. Using GraphQL with a Data Store
  10. Adjusting to the GraphQL Data Format
  11. Using a GraphQL Client Framework
  12. Configuring the Client
  13. Creating a GraphQL Component
  14. Using Mutations
  15. Adding Support for Supplier Data and Editing
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Client Testimonials

My REACT Course at UIAcademy.IN enabled me to develop custom websites for three customers, which is exactly what I wanted it to do. No previous courses that I did for no reason at other places, did such an excellent job of demonstrating the subject.

Kashish Arora


Client Testimonials

I have learned REACT course with UIAcademy.co.in. I am absolutely, an happy Customer. Thanks to Google for putting me at the right place

Amin Khan


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